CINCH_approved_100x91.jpgA personal certificate that qurantee that the holder has a minimum knowledge of Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC) can be issued by universities that fulfill the criteria specified in the document “Minimum Requirements for the EuroMaster Degree in Nuclear and Radiochemistry” as prepared by the EU project "Cooperation in Education and Training in Europe (CINCH)". This right to issue this certificate, called "EuroMaster in Nuclear and Radiochemistry" or "NRC EuroMaster" is granted by the Nuclear and Radiochemistry Division of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS NRC Division).

The intention with the NRC EuroMaster certificate/label is that employers and other institutions will recognice it as a quality label and thus can be certain that the holder has at least knowledge and training equal to the Minimum Requirements specification. Having received the EuroMaster label should be a plus on any candidates CV and students looking for an education in NRC should seek out universities that grant this label.

Structure of a EuroMaster in Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC) Program

The master’s program should contain at least 60 ECTS credit units (cu) studies in nuclear and radiochemistry in the following way:

In total the BSc and MSc programs should add up to 300 cu. For master’s programs having an different size than 120 cu the workload of nuclear and radiochemistry studies should be equivalent to at least 60 cu.

The NRC EuroMaster Label Requirements

On completion of the NRC EuroMaster program at any university holding the right to grant the label the student should have the following knowledge, abilities and skills:

The Minimum Requirement document specify in great detail the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

The European NRC Network

A European Network on Nuclear and Radiochemistry Education and Training (European NRC Network) has been formed to collaborate and enhance teaching in Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC). ThisEuropean NRC Network currently (October 2015) consist of

Within this network a NRC EuroMaster Group will be formed by the universities that fulfill the “Minimum Requirements for the EuroMaster Degree in Nuclear and Radiochemistry” and that were granted the right to award NRC EuroMaster label to their students.

Several universities has applied for the right to grant the NRC EuroMaster label. They will be listed here as soon as they have been approved.

Useful documents and links: